
Showing posts from February, 2016

Great news !

Excited and relieved about the amazing news ! I thought to share the  good news : I was diagnosed over 5 years ago with sarcoidosis in my lungs. It's an auto-immune disease which affects different part of the body but in my case mainly my lungs (limited breathing due to sarcoid nodules in lungs and inflammation in my joints ). Following recent CT scan, lung function and walking test: it shows that the inflammation in my lungs is nearly resolved. Still few scaring. But even better than last year !  All this through : anti-inflammation nutrition + supplementation + training. A big thank you to Jack Galloway ;) Proof that it CAN be done without steroid treatment !  #alternative #prevention #antiinflammation #anti inflammatory #sarcoidosis #sarcoidosis #sarcoidosisawareness  To our health ! Arriane Eva Morrin >AEM Health and Fitness Kids Founder >Foundation Nutrition Trust Director >Vi Project 10 kids Challenge Promoter p: 00447975904903 | e:info...

Fitness for women

We are ON tomorrow morning >>>> *Thursdays: Bellyfit fitness for women ✅ 9.30am-10.30am  ✅medium intensity  ✅ £10 per class or £25 per calendar month  ✅ burn - tone - stretch -relax  #fitness #burn #cardio #mums #workout #holistic #Bellyfit® #bellyfit  visit


Loving my gym selfie mirror in then hanging rooms LOL Another weight training session smashed !!!! Pumping it !!!! Feeling alive !!!! #weight #weighttraining #lifting #exercise #prevention #preventative #wellness #wellbeing #transformation #training  I am passionate about all-things Nutrition, Wellness, and Fitness. I dedicate myself to optimizing the health of parents and children with AEM Health and Fitness_KIDS & Foundation Nutrition Trust.  Visit website : and

We are ready for tomorrow !

⚡ THE JUNGLE BODY WORKOUT -Konga/Tyga⚡  All levels fitness welcome✔ Easy to follow ✔ Location: Fit4Less GYM Brentford,TW8 0GN visit our FB page > #tjb #thejunglebody #aemhealthandfitness #fitness #fit4less #arrianeevamorrin

A dinner feast !!!!

Green soup ( earlier post ) ~ Eggs ~ shiitake mushrooms ("medicinal mushrooms" )  ~soba noodles (buckwheat, wheat free) A real feast on the way :)))) Let's get all the good stuff  #wellness #wellbeing #wintergoodness #prevention  I am passionate about all-things Nutrition, Wellness and Fitness.  My mission : optimising the health of parents and children with AEM Health and Fitness_KIDS & Foundation Nutrition Trust.    Visit website :