
═════☆ ೋೋ☆═════
══════ ೋೋ══════ Arriane Eva Morrin, founder of Aemhealthandfitness_kids, Aem HealthandFitness,  Foundation Nutrition Trust - Intervention and REPS Approved #Obesity Prevention & Intervention Specialist, is our latest industry professional who kindly agreed to take the hotseat. 
When asked about obesity Arriane says "there are things that can be addressed at home with parents: going back to basics of cooking at home, preparing wholesome good food – it does not have to be rocket science." We couldn't agree more. 😍 👉Full interview:

#aemhealthandfitness #AEMtransformkids #aemhealthandfitness #arrianeevamorrin #wellbeing #prevention #intervention #nutrition #fitness #family #children #kids #brentfordtw8 #brentford #interview


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