Just an ordinary training day at the gym ...NOT >>>

Just an ordinary training day at the gym ...NOT >>>

This morning was one of those mornings where ...you know..." you don't feel like going to train" in the gym ...but it's on your diary as a training day ...but  I did not listen to this little voice and I went ...
I followed the plan ...I pushed myself a little bit more...then a little bit more ...then BOOM ! 

I reached 3 weight training personal best (increased weights compared to last time I did that same training last time). 

BOOM ! >>> Progress

So the moral of this short anecdote is : 

  • stick to the plan (eating and/or training plan)... because consistency is KEY
  • believe in the system and 
  • don't listen to this little voice that is trying to sabotage your efforts

Happy Training ya' all !


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