
Showing posts from 2017

Yummy Energy balls (gluten free, vegan)

YUMMY ENERGY BALLS_CACAO & ALMOND  (makes a dozen balls) COOKING TIME: 10 mins INGREDIENTS 2 cups dates  2 cups almonds  1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (reserve 1/2 cup for rolling) 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1-2 T unsweetened almond milk INSTRUCTIONS Put 1/2 cup of coconut flakes into the food processor and process to break up flakes slightly (about 1 minute). Do not over-process or it will become coconut butter. Remove flakes and set aside Place dates in the food processor and process until they have broken up and come together into a ball. Break up date ball with hands and add in almonds, cocoa powder, 1/4 cup of coconut flakes and sea salt. Process for several minutes, scrapping down the sides as needed. Add in vanilla extract and 1 T of almond milk. Process until mixture comes back together into a ball. If it doesn't do this, add...

12 tygodni transformacji online : Dobre samopoczucie i chroniczne zarządzanie bólem_ CLIENT TESTIMONIAL_in POLISH

AEM HEALTH AND FITNESS CLIENT TESTIMONIAL 12 Weeks online Transformation _Wellbeing and Chronic pain management 12 tygodni transformacji online : Dobre samopoczucie i chroniczne zarządzanie bólem IN POLISH Od momentu wprowadzenia nowych zasad, cwiczen, oraz zmiany systemu codziennego odzywiania, kontrolowania co i kiedy jem, jakosc mojego zycia i natezenie bolu zmienily sie na lepsze w bardzo duzym stopniu. Jestem w miare mozliwosci bardziej aktywna fizycznie. Pedometr mobilizuje mnie do pokonywania km, na ile w danym dniu to mozliwe. Stwierdzam ze wiele pomaga poranne nastawienie sie do reszty dnia. Starajac sie nie myslec od rana o problemach dnia codziennego, pozwala to latwiej i pozytywniej przez nie przejsc, gdyz problemy wiadomo same nie znikna. Kiedy moje nastawienie sie zmienilo, rowniez wszystko wokól mnie sie zmienilo. Choc cisnienie nadal skacze, ale juz nie przechodzi górnej granicy u mnie 160/100, gdzie prze...

12 Weeks online Transformation Wellbeing and Chronic pain management_ CLIENT TESTIMONIAL_Grazyna

AEM HEALTH AND FITNESS CLIENT TESTIMONIAL 12 Weeks online Transformation _Wellbeing and Chronic pain management 12 Weeks online Transformation Wellbeing and Chronic pain management Since the introduction of AEM Health andFitness Program with new rules, exercises and changes in the daily routine of my diet & controlling what and when I eat, the quality of my life and physical pain I go through have changed for the better on a very big scale. I am more physically active. The pedometer; mobilises me to cover the km, as far as possible on a given day. I find that the morning positive affirmations have a huge impact on the rest of the day.  Trying not to think from the morning about the problems of everyday life. Makes my life easier and more pleasant, even thought that the problems do not disappear, it helps to deal with them. When my attitude has changed, also everything around me changed. ...

Kidz Hop & Konga® Kids_End of year show_INTRODUCTIONS & Kidz Hop routine


Super Salad

Super Salad Healthy eating does not have to be complicated !  RULES:         *A rainbow of colours * *Foods that come from earth * *The less legs the better* 1/ prepare in the evening / or early morning in a big family salad bowl keep in fridge.  (Salad dressing separate on the side) to be added to individual servings. 2/ ready to put in containers for everyone on the go or easy to grab when coming back home  3/ add a home made soup as a starter if it's cold weather  4/ add a wholemeal pitta bread if really hungry  4/ add piece of fruit + some live yogurt as a desert Et voila ! Remember to >>> visit