12 Weeks online Transformation Wellbeing and Chronic pain management_ CLIENT TESTIMONIAL_Grazyna
12 Weeks online Transformation
_Wellbeing and Chronic pain management
12 Weeks online Transformation Wellbeing and Chronic pain management
Since the introduction of AEM Health andFitness Program with new rules, exercises and changes in the daily routine of
my diet & controlling what and when I eat, the quality of my life and physical pain I go through have changed
for the better on a very big scale.
I am more physically active. The pedometer; mobilises me to
cover the km, as far as possible on a given day.
I find that the morning positive affirmations have a huge impact
on the rest of the day.
Trying not to think from the morning about the problems of
everyday life. Makes my life easier and more pleasant, even thought that the
problems do not disappear, it helps to deal with them.
When my attitude has
changed, also everything around me changed. Although the blood
pressure still jumps, but I'm not going go above 160/100, where I used to
be 196/135 before.
I do sleep better at nights, without over waking up.
New approach helped me to calm down a lot, though still working
on it.
Our attitude helps to focus differently on everything that
surrounds us.
Even with pain, I'm getting better at counseling, I'm trying
to get as low as possible on taking the painkillers,
(Although I've been doing the same thing for a while now, it's
getting easier to handle it).
Systematic evening legs massage also has a great effect on legs
the pain for the day after. The dose and potency of the pain does reduces and is
easier to lift, it is not as strong as it used to be, where at times I use to
wish that my life has come to an end.
I think that keeping these rules, guidelines will bring much
more benefit with time.
Thank you heartily for
your support and help in changing my attitude.
I know that it's a big challenge to make the old tree want to
let go of the new shoots LOL
Warm and affectionate support of Arriane Eva Morrin of AEM Health and Fitness and my
son's love. Reminds me that someone cares about me.
Accurate analysis
helps to shift to a different path of thought and approach to life, to oneself.
you very much
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