How often have you wished for a happiness drug ? Good news: >>> Nature has built the answer into the human body. Regular exercise acts as a mood booster and happens to have plenty other great health benefits ! You have probably heard about the euphoria athletes often feel after sustained exertion, and perhaps you have felt your mood lift after a workout or a brisk walk. However, the exercise high doesn’t depend on long workouts. In fact, the best results come from doing a little each day. Here is the scientific bit : These chemicals also induce feelings of well-being. Endorphins can cause euphoria (known as the runner’s high). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor soothes ruffled neurons to promote a sense of clarity. This is why a problem can seem more manageable after a walk or run to clear your head. Your brain has literally returned to baseline to allow you to respond most effectively to environmental threats. Daily wor...