Natural happiness drug

How often have you wished for a happiness drug ?

Good news: 

>>> Nature has built the answer into the human body. Regular exercise acts as a mood booster and happens to have plenty other great health benefits !

You have probably heard about the euphoria athletes often feel after sustained exertion, and perhaps you have felt your mood lift after a workout or a brisk walk. However, the exercise high doesn’t depend on long workouts.

In fact, the best results come from doing a little each day.

Here is the scientific bit :

These chemicals also induce feelings of well-being. Endorphins can cause euphoria (known as the runner’s high). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor soothes ruffled neurons to promote a sense of clarity. This is why a problem can seem more manageable after a walk or run to clear your head. Your brain has literally returned to baseline to allow you to respond most effectively to environmental threats.

Daily workouts are the best way to maximize the happiness effect. Weekend warriors and people who exercise every other day are less likely to feel a mood boost.

Aim for 20 or 30 minutes per day of moderate activity such as walking.

Once your brain associates workouts with happiness, you’ll wonder how you managed so long without your exercise gear !

Light and happiness my friends :)

Arriane Eva Morrin

>AEM Health and Fitness Founder

>Foundation Nutrition Trust Director

>The Jungle Body & Bellyfit Instructor 

>Vi Project 10 kids Challenge Promoter

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