Exercise keeps us young and healthy!

Exercise keeps us young and healthy!

Ageing can be scary for many reasons. But one easy way to stay feeling young and healthy is through a combination of different sort of exercises.

It is so vital to keep mobile and exercising, as we get older. Just like everything else …if we don’t use it we loose it! I remember my mother who used to do calculations by hand and when asked why bother doing calculations by hand instead of using the calculator, she would rightly answer: “I am keeping my brain working!” This is such a valid statement when it comes to our brain, our body muscles and our heart and lungs! Have you noticed how more and more young people don’t even know the phone number of their partner because they are so used to dialing that speed dial or pre-entered contact telephone number! Well the same applies for our body! When I deliver personal training sessions for more advance age clients I work on different areas:

1.     Mobility: to move all the joints
2.     Stretching: to stretch all those muscles
3.     Cardio: get the heart pumping and this oxygen through out the body
4.     Co-ordination: get the brain and the muscles to work together
I believe this combination of exercises keeps my more advance age clients healthy and well. To find out more how I can help you and your family live happier and healthier visit our website http://aemhealthandfitness.com/services-for-adults/


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